Another spooky season is upon us, and the charm of changing leaves and pumpkin patches had us dreaming of our next fall spins and what new colors we were looking forward to working with. Taking inspiration from some of our favorite nostalgic TV female lead shows, we pulled from some of the most iconic Spooky Girl icons and created six new plying pairs to channel your inner Horror Heroine.

The first Heroine that came to mind was Everybody's Vampire Slayer. Buffy was the very first Horror Heroine that came to mind because she was the first character that I remember was a strong lead, kicked ass, and looked great doing it. She battled vampires, demons, and whatever else came from the hell mouth. To represent Buffy, we chose a purple and brown braid that shows her strength and vulnerability of being the chosen one. She was paired with a soft brown to mimic the wooden stake she often takes out on her hunts.

From a slayer to one of our two witches. I had to include Samantha from Bewitched as one of our plying pairs. She was one of the original horror heroines gracing our screens in the 1960's. A witch who fell in love and married a mortal and just seeing how her powers made Darren's life kooky and fun with a wiggle of her nose. I wanted to capture the fun, carefree vibe for this plying pair Samatha had and chose the first braid with a lavender that fades into pastel yellow. To emulate the 1960s TV magic. I went with a darker purple braid dyed on a sparkle base.

Our next witch is our teen witch, Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Living with her zany aunts, Hilda and Zelda, she moves through life honing her powers, learning life lessons with her boyfriend Harvey, her friend Val, and her black cat Salem. To match Sabrina's bright personality, I chose two colorful braids that would spin up to make a beautiful yarn with as much grit as much as she has. The bright purples, pinks, and blues work to show her naivety spells and the fun of her magic.

Let's move on from witches to the strange and unusual. Our next Horror Heroine is Lydia Deetz from Beatlejuice. From Cartoons to iconic movies, she has been one of our favorite spooky girls. We took inspiration from the character design from the 90s cartoons and Lydia's red wedding gown. The boldness of the purple and red was a great jumping-off point for this plying pair. We wanted to lean into that color pallet, starting this plying pair with a beautiful red, purple, and mauve braid that would perfectly pair with a mottled purple to create the essence of this strange and unusual girl.

From the Deetz Family to the Addams Family, our next plying pair is everyone's favorite girl named after the child of woe, Wednesday. She was always a bright spot in the movies and again in her titular show. Drawing inspiration from her black and white color story. We chose a black and white heathered braid that pairs with a light tan braid that works as well as Wednesday and Thing, our favorite on-screen partners in crime.
Our last plying pair has taken inspiration from a skeptical medical examiner who works with the unexplained, Miss Dana Skully from the X Files. The spooky queen herself has inspired this plying pair by her willingness to lean into Mulder's theories and bring science to his explorations. For the first braid, I chose a green to signify the belief in aliens Mulder has but also a nod to Dana's medical career. I just had to pair it with a beautiful orange-brown that reminds me of her pomeranian Queegueg.
Last but not least is the inspiration behind our mystery batt, the queen of the crypt Evlria, Misstress of the Dark. When I thought of Horror Heroines, I couldn't leave her out. Her adventures are so fun and zany, filled with the fun chaos that is the Halloween season. I can't wait to see what Sarah comes up with for this mystery art batt.
Traveling through the Horror Heroines of TV past and present fills me with nostalgia for spooky seasons past. Just a girl watching female-led adventures while learning life lessons with Sabrina, Slaying vampires with Buffy, and learning to believe with Scully. To add these Horror Heroines to your spinning queue, wiggle your nose like Samantha: if that doesn't work, head over to Green Goat Ranch to shop the Horror Heroines collection just in time for Halloween.